Hello all
It's been a while since last posted an update, so I thought I had better get busy.
Pidgeon Hole Lookout ElQuestro |
It's starting to warm up with most days 39-41c, so unless I get an early start it becomes uncomfortable out and about.
Pidgeon Hole Lookout |
The up side is that it is getting too warm for the tourists and it is a lot quieter along the roads and tracks.
The long Weekend in September I did a quick trip to Darwin, which was a good break away from town. Although the town nearly burnt down while I was away with a bushfire.
Before that trip I had OME shocks and struts fitted which transformed the trusty Hilux.
Last Sunday on a balmy 39c day we did the Karunjie track, which is the old stock route from Wyndham to the Pentecost Crossing on the Gibb.
dam on the Karungie Track |
It was hot, dusty, and recently burnt out with bushfires.
Karungie Track |
We only saw one other vehicle, a couple of swedish tourist who asked us "Is this the way to the Gibb River Road?"
Karungie Track |
A touch over 20 kilometres and five hours travel...........
False Mt Cockburn |
I will try again next season a bit earlier and cooler as it would be a much nicer trek.
A couple of clowns |
By lunchtime it was just uncomfortable to get out of the ute.
mudflats on the Karungie Track |
Blogger has a limit of 100 megabite uploads, so this limits what drone footage I can upload.
I am on a steep learning curve with my video editing but I am thinking I might have to sign up to Youtube for video uploading.
Lower Pentecost |
And to finish the day..............an undisclosed secret place for a dip.
no directions will be given |
and finally to round off this post a shot of the ever stunning Ivanhoe Crossing.
Ivanhoe Crossing |
Until the weather breaks I cant see myself doing much exploring, by mid morning temps are hovering in the high 30's.
Bye for now......