Friday, March 13, 2015

Margaret River to Australind

Hello all
Margaret River.......well not impressed to be honest, I am not a wine drinker, nor do I wish to dress in black and wallow around in the surf impersonating a elephant seal to attract the sharks. On top of this my gas bottle was nearly empty, last time I filled it the cost was $25, the most I have paid is $45 in Goondawindi in Queensland.
The only place I could find in Margaret River was the hardware store....dogalogue ring any bells?. To my horror the asking price was $64.80, yep that is not a typing error.
So I did what I do in any other town with such blatant ripoffs, I put my wallet back in my pocket after refusing to be robbed and left town. I will spend my money somewhere that appreciates my business and doesn't blatantly try to rob me blind.......

Busselton Jetty
After that experience I headed to Busselton and spend 3 relaxing days in one of the Church run campgrounds just south of town for $14 per night......

Cruise Shit moored off Busselton
Leaving Busselton and doing some grocery shopping, after refusing to spend another cent in Margaret River, I headed to Donnybrook to spend some time with my cousin, who lives there.
I also headed out to Wellington Dam for the night and was provided with some entertainment while there. A salvage operation was underway to retrieve a boat that had sank a couple of weeks ago.

While at Donnybrook, I realised that Easter was approaching fast, and also school holidays.....mmmm dilema......where do I hide for Easter and school holidays?
The plan I came up with was to head into Perth and spend a few days or more catching up with friends then hightail it North and get far enough North to be out of Easter reach.
But I will still have to deal with school holidays, then guess what? Yep a cyclone brews up and threatens to head down the coast.

So for the moment I am watching the weather closely while trying to plan my escape, my hope is to be ahead of the pack and migration North for the Winter.  
Bye for now

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