Saturday, August 6, 2016

Timber Creek to Home Valley

Hello all
Leaving Timber creek I headed further west.

Victoria River Timber Creek
 A trip up onto the escarpment was on the agenda before leaving.

Timber Creek
 I love this drive through here, the escarpment country is truly stunning.
Next stop was Keep River National Park.

Keep river National Park
 After Keep River I headed through the Quarantine checkpoint and on to Lake Argyle and a swim in  the coldest pool in Australia.
Horizon Pool Lake Argyle
After Argyle I headed to Kununurra for a few days to restock.

Now let me diversify for a bit.........

I have worked out a way to get Australia out of financial trouble.
YES INTRODUCE A STUPIDITY TAX......I am astounded by the stupidity I witness every day multiple times every day in fact.
Some of the things I see makes me wonder why these people are allowed outdoors without adult supervision, let alone travel the country towing a inner city apartment behind their inadequate vehicle at speeds well beyond anywhere near there own ability.
As you may have guessed I had a bad day the other day.
Here in Kununurra, being close to the Northern Territory Border, yet running Perth time, it gets light about 6am.

To the IMBASILE at Lakeside Caravan Park in Kununurra that doesn't mean it's OK to wind the stabiliser legs on your caravan up with a rattle gun at 6 FUCKING AM

Then later that day camped up at the Pentecost River Camp at Home Valley Station I was sitting admiring the magnificent veiw of the Cockburn Range when some MELON decided to park his Landcruiser and 21foot caravan attached lengthwise straight across in front of me effectively blocking over 10 metres of my view.
Instead of watching the sun set on the Cockburn Range I witnessed the sunset on Landcruiser and caravan.
sunset on landcruiser and caravan

Another inconsiderate arsehole who thinks of no one but himself, I might add he was parked in a no camping area too. 
These inconsiderate arseholes are ruining the enjoyment of this wonderful country, but do they care? they even realise?

The sooner a test is introduced for towing the better.
It is totally wrong for someone with no towing experience and no four wheel drive experience can get their Superannuation payout and buy a caravan that big that it need it's own postcode,then tow it at dangerous speeds down every dirt road and track in Australia totally out of control, and sadly not knowing they are a danger to themselves and other road users.

 Backpackers cop a lot of flack by travellers, but give me a backpacker slaming the door of his wizzbang any day over a rude selfish inconsiderate caravaner who thinks that because he spent all his Super on his "hamburger with the lot"  he has the right to camp wherever he wants and do whatever he wants and to hell with everyone else. It's so sad that at the age of most of these MELONS that backpackers have more manners, consideration and brains!
Lake Argyle
OK I've had my say for this update, so moving on.................

Lake Argyle
 After Argyle I moved on to Kununurra to restock. They recently reopened Ivanhoe Crossing, after being closed for several years.
Ivanhoe Crossing
They have also cut back a lot of bushes which were overgrown across the causeway.

Ivanhoe Crossing
 Moving on I decided to spend a couple of nights out at Home Valley. I am glad I have travelled the Gibb several times before, as after a couple of very poor wet seasons thing were very dry.
Pentecost Crossing August 2016
 I had been hearing stories of the dry conditions from fellow travellers.

Pentecost Crossing june 2015
 Subsequently I am glad I am not doing it this year. i was a little disappointed last year after seeing it in 2012 after a good wet season.

Cockburn Range
Cockburn Range over the Pentecost River
After that I headed back to Wyndham, with the hope there would still be some water in Marlgu Billabong.

Five Rivers Lookout
A couple of not very friendly locals
A pack of Pelicans at Marlgu
I did a quick run back to Kununurra to restock and tomorrow I am heading towards Wolf Creek Crater.

Unfortunately I missed the Williams clan, who I kept bumping into last year. They have been at Derby, broome and Cape Levique but I will miss them by a week or so.
Bye for now.......... 


  1. Wow, the Pentecost River is low!



  2. Its currently the the Pentecost puddle, micheal
